Category Archives: Coaching

Identity Theft and Fraud|Inspiration

Well, it happened…after years of using the same passwords for too many things I got caught….I’m sharing the lesson and the learning!

Interview with Shelley Paxton|Soulbbatical|Inspiration

My guest is Author and Coach Shelley Paxton, Author of Soulbbatical. She tells her story on how she learned to become the Chief Soul Officer of her own life and let go of the Shackles of Should. She is an amazing story teller and her honesty and energy are something she brings to every aspect of her life.

HFH Part IV Open Mindedness

If you never change your mind, learn new things or find a new thought patterns how do you create High Functioning Habits? You simply don’t. It all goes hand in hand to becoming your best self.

Part III Contemplation

Contemplation is impressively helpful in building high functioning habits; but you must know how to calm your mind and learn what to focus on.

Part II HFH – Inclination

After we’ve made a choice to change, we need to explore our natural inclinations that drive us as human beings so that we can work WITH them….not against them.

Part 1 Mindset

As we start this series on creating High Functioning Habits, let’s start with deciding who we want to be. Make a list, visualize it and then ask yourself….what is holding me back from being that person? We are going to explore this topic over the next few weeks and I look forward to hearing from you.

I guess I had one more RANT in me! Sound isn’t great due to technical issues but as we are starting to resume life (here in BC anyway) and I enter us into my series on creating High Functioning Habits I just couldn’t seem to stop sharing!

Intro to Creating New Habits

Starting the week of May 12 I’m going to start a new Series on creating HFH in your life. Listen today to get ready for what’s to come!

There is Comfort in the Black and White of things

Standing firm on a belief whether it’s right or wrong or you have all the facts or not is a heck of a lot easier than opening yourself up to new information. Then you have to be uncomfortable, admit you don’t know what you don’t know, make new choices and understand that everyone doesn’t have to agree.