Monthly Archives: February 2022

Time & Space Solutions with Tonia Cordi|Organization|Interview|Hoarding

Do you struggle with guilt around ‘things’ in your life…..not able to let go when you have no need for items and then have no peace in your life or your personal space. Join Tonia and I for a great deep dive into what is behind some of your thoughts and beliefs.

Check out her website for your own Clarity Call!

Deep Dive Spirituality with Dr. Brian Russell

Brian Russell (Ph.D.) is an award winning professor of biblical studies and his personal mission is to seek out, study, and embody the deepest truths about God so that he can share them compellingly, lovingly, and transformationally with others.

How to become a Super Conscious Creater with Gunther Mueller.

The Personal Development World Is Broken… it is focused on fixing. The truth is there is nothing to fix. You must just let go of the past, and simply focus your whole being on what you want… just because you want it.