Category Archives: Education

Emotions Follow Thoughts

Contrary to some opinions, Thoughts do not follow emotions. You have an emotional response to a thought you are having. Therefore it makes sense, to change your thoughts if you want a different emotional response. Yes, this is possible.

Think for Yourself

When you open your mind and think for yourself….you’ll probably find a lot less thinks to fight with other people about. You can have a different opinion and still be kind if you are looking behind the scenes for what is really going on. In that person’s life, in the world and in yourself.


Such a hard thing to break free of when, since you were born, you’ve been taught and told what to think. Times are changing and if we want to succeed we need to set aside old ways of thinking…..and simply learn to think.

Born to Change your Spots|Interview with Adam Walton

My guest this week is Adam Walton of The Mental Mastery Alliance. Hang on and get ready to play outside the box! Found out more here:

Please note there is adult language in this podcast.

Part V HFH Stems of Habits

In this final part of my 5 part series I speak on the Stems of Habits: Choice, Learning, Decisiveness, Execution and Recovery. Notes on this Series will be posted in my Blog in the coming weeks.

Identity Theft and Fraud|Inspiration

Well, it happened…after years of using the same passwords for too many things I got caught….I’m sharing the lesson and the learning!

HFH Part IV Open Mindedness

If you never change your mind, learn new things or find a new thought patterns how do you create High Functioning Habits? You simply don’t. It all goes hand in hand to becoming your best self.