HFH Blog

Open Mindedness

Open-mindedness is an important process in the whole package of high functionality. Since habits are unique to you, you have to keep an open mind when you are learning, listening or interacting with the world around you because if you don’t, you may miss out (completely) on what you need and most of the population does miss out. The fact that you are reading this post you are ahead by 80%, and that’s liberal. Some statistics say it’s 90% while some psychological testing has rated it even higher; the basic point, however, is that you are ahead of a large percentage of the populace. If you find it difficult to believe me on this, I’d love if you could talk to some family members, neighbors, the people you work with, church, a group or sports team you belong to and bring it up in conversation. Ask them, “Hey, I’m reading this new book, what’s everyone else reading right now that’s improving your life?” If you have ten out of twelve folks in a team look back at you and say, “What? Are you on some guru trip or something?” Your answer is right there, and you know you’re in the 10-20%. When you realize this, don’t judge, we don’t want a judgment in any of this. The point is so that you can be aware of how far ahead of the curve you are right now.

You, therefore, have to keep an open mind because if you don’t, the contemplation, the choice, the decision made about the habits, the mindset, the learning and the execution won’t get you as far as you’d like to get. Be that as it may, this is not something that’s going to happen overnight. I’ve been doing this sort of work since my mid to late 20’s. I was 27 when things turned drastically for me. My son was five years old, and my path started taking a whole new direction. Up until that point, I had been disowned by family, and I was alone. I had been married to a man; a man to whom I was a second family, the marriage didn’t even last two years. I was then a single mom, and when Ryan turned 5 I became engaged and he ended up being physically abusive. I made poor choices   However that was the turning point, things began to happen, and everything changed for me in my life. Some were good, some were bad, but they were amazing lessons. I am 54, so since 27 years of age, the learning has been ongoing, and here I am now, hopefully helping and facilitating changes in your life as we embark on this ever-progressive journey.

Ever-progressive because once you are on the path, it just seems endless; you are always looking forward to the next experience. I love vacations, not just because I get to relax but because one thing I’m thinking is what am I going to experience this time? That’s why I love going to courses. Invest in yourself. It’s beautiful to learn, experience, talk to new people; I know this is difficult for some people who suffer from anxiety or are chronic introverts. If you are one, you should know that the main difference between introverts and extroverts is the need for the introvert to be alone to recharge and recuperate. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be out in the world garnering experiences and connecting; it just means that when you’ve done that, you need to return to your safe place, your home or whatever that is for your rest and downtime whereas an extrovert will go straight from the learning to the after party. The latter is my husband. As for me, I go home from the learning experience to the couch or the hot tub or infra-red sauna where I head into a healing modality after such a big experience. Extroverts want to head straight into more social time because they feed off that. So, don’t think that you’re being an introvert means you fall short of the bar, it means that your habits are going to be slightly different after you’ve had the experience. Our habits of recuperation differ.

Open-mindedness is to be receptive to new ideas; it deals with how people react to the knowledge and opinions of others. It helps you to learn and grow while being honest because there’s an admittance that you’re not omniscient. It brings you to realize that there are truths you’ll encounter and in incorporating them, will get you better and ultimately, higher functioning.

Here is the conclusion of the whole matter: despite whatever life throws at you, don’t get beat down. You can deal with the challenges and keep yourself productive.