
How we view the world and our own predisposition creates a filter for everything we see and believe. It’s important to recognize this and always question….what else could there be?

Emotions Follow Thoughts

Contrary to some opinions, Thoughts do not follow emotions. You have an emotional response to a thought you are having. Therefore it makes sense, to change your thoughts if you want a different emotional response. Yes, this is possible.

Think for Yourself

When you open your mind and think for yourself….you’ll probably find a lot less thinks to fight with other people about. You can have a different opinion and still be kind if you are looking behind the scenes for what is really going on. In that person’s life, in the world and in yourself.

Working Thru the Pain Part I

In the Words of Tony Robbins, The purpose of pain is to move us into ACTION, it is not to make us suffer. This has been a tough reminder this summer….but I’m going to walk you all thru what it was like in the hopes that you too can move yourself into action.