Acknowledge the Good Things

At the end of one year and the beginning of another it’s often easy to fall into the habit of focusing on all the bad of 2018 and how 2019 is going to be soooo much better. Well, every year is full of good and bad, so do your best to focus on the good things and take those with you into the New Year. Remember what you focus on becomes reality.

When in the Valley Don’t Pitch a Tent

LIfe is always going to have ups and downs but moving forward is the only option if you want to climb a mountain.   Sorry for the no Intro on the show….our Servers are down and I didn’t want to hold up the show!

Don’t Like What you see?

Often, when someone’s personality is bothering us….it’s because we see ourselves in that person and often don’t like what we see!

Comfort Zone

Stepping out of our Comfort Zone can hugely increase your chances of change and success.  We often get stuck in our limiting belief systems and only taking a new path or jumping higher can get us unstuck.


Learning to listen that that little voice, your gut or your intuition takes practice.  Just like any other skill, the more you harness your ability to “know” the better decisions you will make in life.

Are you READY to take CONTROL?

Do you feel like your life is out of control?  Maybe it’s time to put some good habits in place so life is feeling easier, more in control and calmer.