Emotional Reactions

You can learn to choose how you respond to situations, it takes practice and there are going to be times, as I talk about in this very personal podcast, where you fail epically!

Learning a New Habit

This week starts a theme whereby I’ll be discussing habits I’m putting into place in my life. Why I’m doing do it and how I implement it. Looking forwarding to learning together.

Fix It, Accept It or Leave It

Are spending time complaining but doing nothing to change things? Perhaps it’s time to change you way of thinking.

Revenge or Resolution

How do you tend to naturally react to situations around you? Our need to often “make someone pay” is probably holding you back from resolving a situation and avoid escalation.

Have a Reason

Life is a challenge, but it can be even more of a challenge if you don’t have a Why, a Reason or a Goal. It can seem like you are just coasting along with no purpose. And that can breed discouragement.