Category Archives: Inspiration

Addicted to Pain

Are you putting up with things in your life because you have become comfortable with it? I came to this realization this week about something I had let slip back into my life. Accepting pain because it’s familiar is not healthy. You have the power, use it.

Interview with Marek Zmyslowski|Chasing Black Unicorns|Interpol|TEDx

It was my immense pleasure to have Marek on the show today. His story is def. worth reading in his book, Chasing Black Unicorns, which we discuss today. From his growth and experience, he and his partner Yaritza have formed the Maya Foundation in order to help young women, not just for a short crisis, but for the long term. All proceeds from his book and speaking engagements go to their Charity. Links to everything can be found here

Part V HFH Stems of Habits

In this final part of my 5 part series I speak on the Stems of Habits: Choice, Learning, Decisiveness, Execution and Recovery. Notes on this Series will be posted in my Blog in the coming weeks.

Ancestral Clearing

Yes you read that correctly. I had an Ancestral Clearing done by the amazing Jan Janzen two weeks ago to clear a blockage I’ve been having on Abundance. It was an interesting experience and I wanted to share it with all of you.

Identity Theft and Fraud|Inspiration

Well, it happened…after years of using the same passwords for too many things I got caught….I’m sharing the lesson and the learning!

Interview with Shelley Paxton|Soulbbatical|Inspiration

My guest is Author and Coach Shelley Paxton, Author of Soulbbatical. She tells her story on how she learned to become the Chief Soul Officer of her own life and let go of the Shackles of Should. She is an amazing story teller and her honesty and energy are something she brings to every aspect of her life.

HFH Part IV Open Mindedness

If you never change your mind, learn new things or find a new thought patterns how do you create High Functioning Habits? You simply don’t. It all goes hand in hand to becoming your best self.

Part III Contemplation

Contemplation is impressively helpful in building high functioning habits; but you must know how to calm your mind and learn what to focus on.

Part II HFH – Inclination

After we’ve made a choice to change, we need to explore our natural inclinations that drive us as human beings so that we can work WITH them….not against them.