Category Archives: Inspiration

My HCG Diet Experience

Whether I should have or shouldn’t have tried this diet isn’t the point…..but if you’ve ever wondered, here I share what my 3 week of torture looked like!

You are Right Where you Need to Be

As I say goodbye to my second international exchange student, I’ve been thinking about where I am and where I am going over the next few months and am I where I need to be?

It’s OK Not to Know

When you admit you don’t know and accept that the answers will come in time, you are staying in the NOW and allowing the Universe to bring you what you need.

Never Say Never

Saying never sets up resistance and creates limited thinking.  Are you re-reading the last chapter of your life and then putting up limitations to living the next chapter?

What you You Trying to Prove?

Do you spend your life comparing yourself to others?  Proving you are or aren’t what you THINK people think about you?  Let it go!  Approve of yourself and take your place in the Universe.

Will Power

Are you relying on Will Power to succeed?  Implementing habits to assist you in  changes will have much higher rates of success in so many areas of your life.

What are you waiting for?

Are you putting your dreams on hold?  Do you keep thinking there is always going to be  more time?  Always going to be tomorrow?  There always isn’t.


Do you repress your anger or express it?  Working thru your anger doesn’t give you permission to rage at others, but expressing it can bring peace and help you make decisions if handled correctly.