Category Archives: Education

Interview with Teacher and Mystic John David Latta

John David Latta is a mystic, author, teacher, and former founder and CEO of a multimillion-dollar consumer products company. He shares intimate and personal stories and teaches workshops on leadership, healing, transformation, awakening, love, synchronicity, and wisdom that unite and expand human experience.


Are you one to let emotions get the upper hand when things don’t go the way you want. Do you revert to anger and blame instead of accepting and looking for solutions?


When things in life are unsure….it can be very hard to trust. To trust in people, the process, the learning….whatever it might be for you. However, without trust there can’t be flow.

Life is beautiful, if we remember to look

How often in situations do you focus on the negative? Do you surround yourself with too much negativity? Changing our focus can change our life……let’s chat about that shall we?

Question Don’t Judge

It’s so very easy to step into Judgement…however when we are in that space, we can’t question what is going on around us. In Judgement we are stuck in a point of view…..and questioning is how we remove ourselves from that limitation.

Time & Space Solutions with Tonia Cordi|Organization|Interview|Hoarding

Do you struggle with guilt around ‘things’ in your life…..not able to let go when you have no need for items and then have no peace in your life or your personal space. Join Tonia and I for a great deep dive into what is behind some of your thoughts and beliefs.

Check out her website for your own Clarity Call!

Deep Dive Spirituality with Dr. Brian Russell

Brian Russell (Ph.D.) is an award winning professor of biblical studies and his personal mission is to seek out, study, and embody the deepest truths about God so that he can share them compellingly, lovingly, and transformationally with others.