Category Archives: Finance

Comfort Zone

Stepping out of our Comfort Zone can hugely increase your chances of change and success.  We often get stuck in our limiting belief systems and only taking a new path or jumping higher can get us unstuck.


Learning to listen that that little voice, your gut or your intuition takes practice.  Just like any other skill, the more you harness your ability to “know” the better decisions you will make in life.

Energy and You

Oh the difference a day makes when you are practising the right habits.  (The sound is soft on this Podcast and we apologize….we are looking into it)

When all Hope is Lost

Do you sometimes feel that there is no point?  The hope in things being better is just not there.  It is.  Choice, showing Gratitude and taking the next step will get you thru the Valley and back on to even ground.

Open Your Heart

Make sure you are living in the moment, appreciating all life has to give as with anything…..there is good and bad.  But if we celebrate the good, the bad times are so much easier to handle.

Clear the Decks

Every once in awhile we need to take a close look at our life and commitments to ensure we aren’t over extending ourselves.  A focused life is happier and more productive.

You are Right Where you Need to Be

As I say goodbye to my second international exchange student, I’ve been thinking about where I am and where I am going over the next few months and am I where I need to be?